How to Stay Productive When Working From Home

Home working productivity
Working from home can make life easier – but staying creative can be challenging. Here’s how you can keep productivity flowing when away from the office.

Working from home has its perks and challenges. While you enjoy the comfort, work-life balance, flexibility, and cost savings of avoiding the daily commute, it’s not uncommon to encounter distractions, feelings of isolation, and a monotonous routine that can zap your creative and productivity energy.

If you find yourself struggling to stay productive while working from home, fear not! We’ve compiled a few friendly and effective ways to keep your creative juices flowing.

1. Crafting an environment for remote productivity

According to a report by Forbes about remote working in 2023, 12.7% of full-time employees worked from home, demonstrating how normal the practice has become, with 28.2% of workers having acclimatized to a hybrid work model. As more of us get used to the freedoms of working remotely, there’s a growing recognition of the importance of having a space that supports creativity and productivity. Because your home is now doubling up as your workspace, you’ll need to take a few steps to make it feel more ‘officey’.

More than just setting up a desk, you’ll have to shape your routines, mindset and wider environment to get yourself going properly. In this section, we’ll take a look at how you can set everything up so that you’ve got the best chance for productivity success.


Designate a dedicated workspace

When transitioning to a work-from-home setup, it’s important to establish a designated area that puts you in the right mindset for productive and creative thinking. Whether it’s a spare room, the kitchen table, or a corner of your living room with a desk, find a space that suits your preferences. While the allure of working from the couch or bed may be tempting, sitting up straight with a proper workstation can do wonders for your mental clarity, not to mention your posture and productivity.

In situations where it’s hard to get a lot of space, you might have to think a little more out of the box. Explore some creative solutions such as using compact or multifunctional furniture, effective storage solutions, and organizational tools to make the most of the space you have. By having efficient use of limited space, your designated workspace can remain remains functional without the feeling of being crammed in.


Establish a routine

Maintaining a clear separation between your work and personal life is crucial when working from home. Establishing a consistent routine with specific working hours helps create structure and reduces the risk of distractions when working from home. By adhering to a schedule as closely as possible, you’ll find it easier to prepare for tasks and maintain a focused and productive mindset.

Balancing work and personal life within the a home environment introduces unique challenges. By having professional responsibilities mixing in with personal spaces, boundaries can become blurred, which in turn can impact impacting mental well-being. If left unchecked, this blending may lead to heightened stress levels and a perpetual feeling of being at work, even when you’re not.

To avoid this, a well-crafted routine can help out. By establishing distinct timeframes for work and leisure activities, a routine becomes a framework for setting and maintaining clear boundaries. By having this separation, you can fully engage in work during designated hours and seamlessly transition to personal time without the feeling of having unfinished tasks.

Getting out for a walk can help reset your creative thinking

Take breaks and stay active

According to an article on remote working by Zippia, 77% of employees actually feel more productive when working from home. As high as that number is, it doesn’t change the fact that sitting in front of a screen for remote work all day can stifle creativity and productivity. That’s why it’s essential to have regular breaks into your work-from-home routine to step away from your desk and engage in physical activity. Whether it’s a short walk, a quick exercise video, or a stretching session, getting your blood flowing will improve your focus and power you up with a refreshed and productive mindset for when its time to carry on.

Embracing a regular exercise routine can be a game-changer for your workplace productivity. It’s not just about keeping your body in check – it’s a dynamic partnership between body and mind that significantly enhances overall performance. By moving your body, you’ll also produce more endorphins (otherwise known as ‘feel-good’ hormones), which can also help in reducing stress and boosting your mood.


2. Cultivating creativity to stay productive

In the ever-changing world of work, where being adaptable and coming up with new ideas is crucial, the key to staying super productive is to tap into your creativity. As our workplaces keep evolving, having a mindset that actively encourages creativity isn’t just a nice extra – it makes a big difference.

Lets take a look at practical strategies, personal habits, and the different ways of thinking that can help you unlock your creative energy. From setting up your workspace to getting inspiration from various sources, there’s a lot you can do to increase your productivity through creativity.


Embrace change and variety

Embracing change and injecting variety into your daily routine is not just a remedy for monotony; it’s an effective approach to unlocking creativity and enhancing overall productivity. our brains love new things, so go ahead and introduce variations in your routine, which can then result in a bunch cognitive benefits.

Shake up your daily schedule or rearrange your workspace. Experiment with different tasks at different times, move your workstation from the kitchen to the bedroom, or venture out to a local café for a change of scenery over home working.

A change of scenery can do wonders

Personalize your environment

Your home is your sanctuary, so don’t be afraid to spice up your workspace with personal touches. Surround yourself with artwork, plants, photos, or other meaningful objects that resonate with you. Play some music, have conversations with yourself, and create a positive atmosphere that keeps boredom at bay, and productivity up high.

It may seem a little esoteric, but think about exploring the principles of Feng Shui into your workspace design. Arrange furniture to promote a harmonious flow of energy, and choose colors that resonate positively with you. A thoughtfully arranged space created along these lines of thinking can enhance the overall atmosphere, even if it’s just a mental placebo.


Maintain social connections

While Forbes highlight that 34% of office workers said that interruptions from colleagues affected their productivity, compared to only 16% of remote workers, the human connection is still important.

It’s easy to get caught up in the solitude of working from home, but human interaction plays a vital role in fostering creativity and productivity. Stay connected with colleagues, engage in conversations, share your ideas, and gain fresh perspectives. Not only will this keep your mind stimulated and awake, but it can also spark new and innovative ideas.

A great way to do this is to encourage more virtual meetings with your team over video. While many of us prefer to keep visuals out of work conversations, seeing the faces and body language of your colleagues can have a subtle effect on your mood, and the connection you have with your team. When you’re all on video, there’s more chances that people will smile, make jokes, and generally make you feel less remote – in all senses of the word.


Explore new methods

Creativity and productivity extend beyond the realm of traditional approaches, so go ahead and check out a wide range of tools and techniques to stimulate your thinking. Whether it’s discovering how to brainstorm, using mind maps, exploring templates, or even leveraging AI assistants to jump-start your work productivity, don’t be afraid to try new methods and discover what works best for you. The tools you use can make or break your productivity levels, so take a look at the best Microsoft Office alternatives out there, and make the best choice for your needs.


3. Take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself while working from home is very important as you’re juggling both your job and daily life in the same space – which isn’t always easy. In today’s world of remote work where boundaries are blurred, looking after yourself becomes super important.

It’s not just about finding the right spot for your laptop; it’s about making sure you’re good in your head and heart while you’re at it.


Be kind to yourself

It’s natural to encounter moments of creative stagnation or feel stuck on a particular project – especially when working remotely. Instead of getting frustrated, give yourself a break. Take a step away from the work and do something that allows your mind to relax and wander. Going for a walk, taking a shower, or simply taking a break to do something unrelated to work can often lead to unexpected performance, or at least tone down the frustration.

Recognize when you need support and be proactive in seeking it. This can be as simple as reaching out to colleagues, friends, or mentors who can provide guidance or a fresh perspective. Sharing your challenges and frustrations with others not only alleviates the burden but also reminds you that you’re not alone, and that everyone struggles from time to time.

Don’t let work get in the way of your wellbeing

Prioritize sleep and nutrition

We all know sleep is important, but it’s surprising just how many of us don’t get enough. According to a report by StartSleeping, 45% of Americans claim that poor sleep has made an impact on their daily life at least once in the last week – which is too high a number! A well-rested mind is a productive mind. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep and waking up refreshed, as it not only enhances your creativity, but also contributes to your overall well-being. Also, maintaining a balanced diet with nutritious meals and staying hydrated throughout the day (especially if you’re indulging in lots of coffee or sugary drinks) will go a long way to keeping you feeling healthy and energetic.

We can’t stress enough how important it is to drink water. It’s so easy to forget it during a busy work day, or rationalize to ourselves that the coffee and energy drinks also contain water. To remedy this way of thinking, keep a large jug of fresh water on your desk at all times, which will help you to remember to drink whenever you see it.


Indulge in enjoyable activities

In addition to home work, make time for activities you genuinely enjoy. Engaging in hobbies or creative pursuits outside of work allows you to recharge and bring fresh ideas to the table. Whether it’s painting, playing a musical instrument, playing a video game, writing, gardening, or any other activity that sparks joy and ignites your creativity, doing what you enjoy will keep your energy levels and morale at a good level.

This ties in nicely to one of the tips earlier on in this article about breaking the routine. By enjoying the little things during the day and keeping things routine, you’ll keep that ever creeping feeling of boredom and lethargy at bay. This isn’t to say that you need to pressure yourself too much, but when you consider the alternative, taking a few moments to enjoy yourself can go a long way for your wellbeing.

Brainstorm ideas
Inspiration is all around you. Find it!

Seek inspiration

Make sure to find time to seek inspiration and expand your knowledge when you work from home. Read books, articles, or blogs related to your field or other areas of interest. Watch documentaries, attend webinars or virtual conferences, and listen to podcasts that expose you to new ideas and perspectives. By learning from others and staying informed about industry trends, you’ll naturally feel more inspired to think outside the box when partaking in hybrid or remote work.

Embracing a commitment to ongoing learning cultivates a growth mindset, which is a great quality to have when looking to optimize your remote work. Take challenges as chances to expand your skills, see setbacks as learning experiences, and tackle your tasks with way of thinking that focuses on adaptability and resilience. This will not only elevate your own capabilities, but can also bolster the collective resilience of your remote work team.

Go forth and enjoy better work productivity!

In the right circumstances, creativity and productivity can come easily when working remotely, but it can sometimes be really tough to tap into. With the above tips, you’ll stand a better chance of staying creative and productive when working from home, despite the challenges of remote work. And, with OfficeSuite’s productivity apps by your side, you’ll have the canvas in which to store and develop your ideas.

And, if you’re wondering how to stay productive during a business trip, then have a read!

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