
Master your data

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Discover insights in Sheets

Whether you're a novice or an expert analyst, understand your data better and present it in attractive and convenient ways with Sheets, packed with powerful features in an easy-to-use interface.

Spreadsheet work without the hassle

Dive deep into your figures with pivot tables, data validation, 280+ formulas, and easy navigation that makes the whole experience simple and painless.

Visualise data and make findings stand out

Numbers tell a story. Present it in an accessible way and drive your insights home with conditional formatting, 30+ chart designs, styles, fonts, and images.

Collaborate on workbooks

Ensure teamworking is flowing with all popular spreadsheet file formats. From small Excel files, to massive CSV exports, you can easily share, comment, and protect sheets to avoid unwanted edits.

Track your expenses in real time

See where your money is going by using the handy budget template and keep it up-to-date in real time by using Sheets on your mobile devices.

Your files are safe with us

Whether you have an internet connection or work offline, your data is safe and will never be sold or accessed in any way. And, with free cloud storage on us, security is guaranteed.

Pivot tables explained in 2 minutes

One of the most often used tools by businesses, Pivot Tables are a great way to visualize data in a format that is easy to understand. Here’s how you can get started in just two minutes:

What our users say

Create spreadsheets, charts, budgets, graphs easily. It also has quick access options to many more features.


Does everything I need from spreadsheets. Love that I can use multiple devices.

Daniel Namon

Operating sheets on mobiles is never easy, but If you want all the features of PC apps, they are there in OfficeSuite.

Esther Poyer

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